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Jun 15, 2015
Rock Band Returns with New Freestyle Guitar Solo Mode [E3 2015]
Tweet You don’t have to play by the highway’s rules anymore. Harmonix introduces a Freestyle system to Rock Band 4 and I already shredded...
Jun 15, 2015
Just Played Unravel at E3 2015
Tweet We try not to get tied into knots as we take our first look at EA’s creative and emotional new platformer from Coldwood...
Jun 15, 2015
Just Played: Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 [E3 2015]
Tweet Brandon Jones and I got our hands on the ever expanding war between flora and the undead. New plants, new zombies, and new modes...
Jun 15, 2015
Just Played: The Flame in the Flood E3 2015
Tweet You won’t be alive for long the first time you head down this river, but that’s half the fun. Brandon Jones and I share survival...
Jun 10, 2015
Just Played Disney Infinity 3.0 Inside Out & Rise Against the Empire Play Sets [E3 2015]
Tweet We’ve now checked out 3 of the playsets coming to Disney Infinity 3.0. How do Rise Against the Empire and Inside Out compare to...
Jun 8, 2015
Just Played Fortnite at E3 2015
Tweet Brandon Jones and I stay up for several in-game days of Fortnite to scavenge enough supplies and build the biggest base. There’s...
Jun 1, 2015
This Game’s Got Character!
Tweet It’s episode 4 of “Ladies in the Lobby” and today we’re talking about our favorite characters and why we like them so much. We also...
May 25, 2015
Xbox One vs PS4: Fighting the Good Fight
Tweet Episode 3 of “Ladies in the Lobby” is here! Who has a better controller? Better exclusives? What would I do as Console War General?...
May 21, 2015
Do you have a NEED for SPEED?
Tweet I made an appearance on GT Time where we discussed all kinds of stuff like the newly announced Need for Speed reboot, Casey...
May 18, 2015
Earliest Gaming Memories
Tweet It’s time for episode 2 of “Ladies in the Lobby” where we discuss our earliest gaming memories and take a look back at some of our...
May 15, 2015
Gaming for a good cause: 4th Annual 8-Bit Salute
Tweet —> #8BitSalute DONATE HERE! <— UPDATE: My friends at LogitechG have graciously donated 2 Logitech G710+ keyboards and 2 Logitech...
May 12, 2015
New series: Ladies in the Lobby!
Tweet I’m excited to announce I am featured in a new series on GameTrailers called “Ladies in the Lobby!” I chatted with Elyse Willems...
Apr 26, 2015
The Changing Face of Games Media
Tweet In this week’s episode of “The Bonus Round” I chat with Geoff Keighley, The Jovenshire, and Shane Satterfield about the changing...
Apr 5, 2015
All Things Nintendo on The Bonus Round
Tweet This month I’m in the Bonus Round with Geoff Keighley, The Jovenshire, and Shane Satterfield. In this episode we’re chatting about...
Apr 2, 2015
Master Chief Pays for the Party!
Tweet I had the awesome opportunity to be in the Super Seat during GT Time. We talked about the new Nintendo Direct, the Halo 5 release...
Feb 26, 2015
Farewell GT News
Tweet If you follow me on Twitter or are subscribed to the GT News YouTube channel, you probably have seen that the show has been...
Aug 8, 2014
Check out the new home of my show: GT News!
Tweet Hi everyone! You may have noticed my show has been offline for a few weeks, but that was just because we were getting ready for its...
May 27, 2013
Xbox One: Thoughts about the Reveal
Tweet Unless you are living under a rock you heard about the reveal of Microsoft’s new console, the Xbox One. I am hesitant to call it a...
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