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Sep 11, 2012
Post PAX Prime 2012
Tweet The weather may still be hot but summer is almost officially over for me here in Southern California. After a busy season of...
Jul 13, 2012
Assassin’s Creed panel at San Diego Comic-Con
Tweet In case you missed my constant tweets about this news, yesterday I hosted my first panel at San Diego Comic-Con! I’ve hosted panels...
Jul 6, 2012
Weekend Confirmed #120: Skyrim Dawnguard, Day-Z, Diablo III, and more!
Tweet Despite the summer’s dearth of new releases, the Weekend Confirmed crew get into some spirited discussions about Diablo 3’s...
Jun 28, 2012
Best of E3 2012
Tweet Every year publishers and developers compete for the attention of media members and gamers everywhere with their showings at the...
Jun 12, 2012
Lollipop Chainsaw Ladies Live Stream!
Tweet Do you like ladies? Do you like zombies? Do you like to watch ladies killing zombies? Then be sure to watch the Machinima Live...
Jun 4, 2012
Top 5 Announcement Trailers of E3 2012
Tweet E3 2012 is here friends! That means lots and lots of trailers! We have the lot of them over at the Machinima YouTube channel so...
Jun 2, 2012
Pre-E3 2012 Thoughts
Tweet The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is THE event of the year for gamers. Every year at E3 there are huge announcement made,...
May 30, 2012
The Future of Mid-Tier Games – Question of the Week – Weekend Confirmed #114
Tweet My question of the week comes from Twitter: @Ckrawl asked, ” I feel the middle tier of games is going to be pushed out next...
May 26, 2012
Weekend Confirmed 114 – Diablo 3, Max Payne 3, Lost Planet 3
Tweet Listen here! Diablo 3 has strengthened its hold on Jeff Cannata who really only wants to talk about his barbarian, but there’s so...
May 25, 2012
Max Payne 3 First Impressions
Tweet I’m going to come out and say it: I never played Max Payne before. I have never even seen the movie. So when Rockstar Games...
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